What does Mobitecture do?

turn ideas into designs into reality

What does Mobitecture mean?


mobitecture = the archetype of mobility

Whereas architecture relates to the archetype of a place, mobitecture refers to the archetype of movement


  1. The quality of being mobile
  2. The movement of groups or individuals from place to place
  3. Capacity to travel and relocate frequently


  1. The art and science of designing and erecting buildings
  2. A style and method of design and construction used to create a habitat
  3. Any of various disciplines concerned with the design or organization of complex systems


  1. The art and science of designing and constructing vehicles
  2. A style and method of design and construction used to create movement
  3. Discipline concerned with the design and organization of transportation systems


note & conceive


imagine & show


draft & plan


define & model


prototype & produce


manage & source

Who is Mobitecture?


Richard Kleijn (MSc) - mobitect

As a mobitect I have a genuine passion for everything that moves and everything that moves me.

Automotive design has always been my primary interest because of the very direct and therefore very challenging relation between form and function. Having studied Architecture (MSc in Architecture at the Eindhoven University of Technology) and Industrial Design (automotive design course at the faculty of Industrial Design at the Delft University of Technology) I have worked for several companies in the automotive, naval and product design industry. Throughout different stages in the design process, from first sketch to final production sample, and in different surroundings and roles; as a team member in a multi-disciplinary international design team to one on one with a client as a self employed designer.

I have an open attitude and speak several languages (English, German, Italian, Dutch) which enables me to adapt to new environments quite easily. My competences range from hand sketching to CAD engineering (Catia V5, Siemens NX, Solid Edge) and from brainstorming to project management. This versatile work experience has taught me to be flexible, inventive and responsible for the job.

To broaden my horizon beyond the borders of organizations, nationalities and design disciplines I founded Mobitecture Advanced Design. As a sole proprietorship agency Mobitecture is not trying to be a brand unto itself, but is explicitly looking for co-create partnerships in an international and multi-disciplinary environment. Mobitecture offers design and engineering services on freelance or project-basis, either working remotely or on location.

As a design entrepreneur I'm out to discover new paths and patterns in the absence of security. I care about the environmental and social challenges that our world is being confronted with today. I sincerely believe we can complete these challenges with well designed, sustainable and efficient technological solutions.


Who works with Mobitecture?


Company information

Tramstraat 9a | 5611 CM Eindhoven | The Netherlands

+31 (0)645424171



17242522 (Dutch Chamber of Commerce)

NL 162567741 B01 (Dutch Tax Authority)


This address is for postal correspondence only, since Mobitecture Advanced Design is a nomadic agency you can not visit us here.

Feel free to leave a message in any of the following languages to make sure we understand you.